Welcome to the

Pacific Prayer Assembly and Fiji Glory Awakening info page.

Coming to the Assembly

Join us on mission or as a participant for what promises to be a powerful time of connection with the churches of Fiji and her beautiful people. These gentle warriors have been called for a great end time purpose, to bring glory to God and to stand up for the kingdom of truth. 

“Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”  Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power;
In the beauty of holiness, from the womb of the morning, for You is the dew of Your youth.
Ps 110:2-3

This assembly is the work of volunteers obeying the urging of the Spirit. The youth of Fiji are a particular focus of our activities and 2024 has seen many events directed towards the youth of the nation. 

Please fill out the registration form and contribute $30 to attend the Prayer Assembly. This is just a fraction of what the event is costing and we are relying on your free will offering. If its not possible to attend in person, you can sponsor the Generation Fire team in the Solomon Islands, Nepal and Philippines. Go to our Sponsor page for more information.

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